God’s Favour over my family

Mena’s Story

I moved from Angola to the UK in 2003. At the end of 2005 I was invited to attend to a Sunday service at the Tab, by a close friend. God has since been faithful to me in many ways. I got married in July 2009, and in 2010 I gave birth to my lovely son Kelson. When Kelson was 9 years old, he was diagnosed with a condition which made me sad when the doctor first mentioned it to us. I looked into the future and when I remembered God’s miracles in the Old Testament, how He blessed Moses, my hope and faith were ignited. I said to myself, God will make a way for our son! Kelson has been attending a Christian school where he gets all the learning support he needs, and recently we have been blessed with an agreement from the Local Council to provide funds for extra support for him. This agreement finally came after a year of negotiating with the Local Council. We had friends at the Tab and relatives praying for a positive outcome from this dispute, and God honoured our trust and faith in Him at the right time.


New House


My Daughters’ Friends