New House

Joseph’s Story

I would like to say “Thanks to Jesus” for allowing us to be blessed at a place which is convenient for us as a family. We’ve been praying for a better place to live for years, we had experienced some challenges where we lived, and when we saw this new house being built around Wavertree in Liverpool, we had a dream of one day living there. The location would be just right for the children’s school and transport links for commuting to work. We asked our friends at the Tab to pray for us, and after filling all the paperwork in and gathering the necessary funds, we were selected to acquire the property which we’re looking to buy. The new property buying process went smoothly, and we had the belief that the Almighty One had his Hand over all the process. Everything fit accordingly and at the right time. From this blessing I can remember the bible verse on Jeremiah 29 v11 which says: “I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”. God honoured our faith in Him once again. What a Mighty God we serve!


A New Life


God’s Favour over my family