Saved and baptised

Raha’s Story

Like my Lord Jesus Christ, I have endured many problems, my body and soul got sick, but Christ took care of me and I am alive because of the grace and miracle of Christ. He led me to a land where I can worship him freely and peacefully. Christ is in my heart and soul.  There were times when loneliness and nervous pressure took me to a very difficult state, but Christ calmed me down at that moment and saved me.

I was baptised in the church on the 11th of September 2022 by my dear and kind brother Jack and sister Fliss. The baptism showed the washing away of all my sins, the washing away of the darkness of my past life, a new beginning and birth to a new life, a sinless life. For my Lord Jesus Christ took our sins, and our sins were forgiven and He gave us the good news of eternal life. Our living King whose kingdom will come. He is the light of the world and I live in his light.

From the beginning, the Bible shares God's promise to mankind - to save mankind.  But what is the meaning of salvation?  Rescue from what?  Or who should be saved? Why should we receive salvation? We read in Romans 3:23, “Because all have sinned and no one has reached the desirable and glorious perfection that God expects”. In the Bible, Ephesians 2:8 tells us that, “as a result of God's free forgiveness and kindness and by your faith in Christ, you have been saved; and this is not your work, but God's gift”.  He is the only one who can be our saviour.  So, if we believe in our hearts and confess with our tongues that He is our Lord and Saviour, He is the one who, if we believe in Him, will give us salvation and eternal life.  We can receive salvation.  Jesus Christ says in Mark 16;16: “Those who believe and are baptized will be saved, but those who do not believe will be judged”.  In Christ, I endure.


Following Jesus


Getting Baptised