Getting Baptised

Mark’s Story

God came to me in Manchester many years ago and has been with ever since. I started to go to a church there and attended an Alpha course that I really enjoyed.  I saw someone get baptised and had originally planned to get baptised there but due to circumstances I was unable to at the time. 

I was talking to God and saying I wanted to get baptised. At that time I was in a hostel. I was going to the Job Centre in Toxteth in 2019. I just happened to get a double decker bus there from town and I saw the (Tab) church as I went by. So, when I found the church, I started coming to the service the following week. 

When I came, I was extremely welcomed and got talking to people. I attended on Sundays. 

I had to wait to get baptised due to Covid but I got baptised on 11th September, 2022. For me getting baptised was my way of showing God that I am fully committed to him, his church, and his kingdom. Each day I ask God “how can I glorify you and your kingdom today”.


Saved and baptised


Baptised without heating!