Father of the church

James K. Slater’s Story

It would be difficult to tell stories of the beginning of Toxteth Tabernacle and not refer to J.K Slater. He was there from the beginning and was only about twenty years old when he took on the role of Treasurer, before the Tab had even been built. It would be a role that he faithfully executed for 60 years alongside serving as leader of the Sunday School at Ebenezer Hall for 55 years. 

He is remembered as being a kind and generous man. In the 100 years Anniversary book, Amazing Grace, it was noted that, “If Mr Lockhart was the founder of the Church then Mr Slater was the Father of the Church”. He is remembered as showing sincere interest in every member of the congregation, and his firm guidance helped the church through difficult times. One person described him as “...humble in mind, cheerful in disposition, valiant in soul, pure in heart. His love for the Bible as God’s Word is deep and abiding.”

In a letter from Mrs Lockhart to Mrs Gailbraith she noted that, “It really seems to some of us as if God had used W.P. Lockhart to gather together the church at Toxteth Tabernacle and J.K Slater to keep it together”.

At the close of the Centenary Foundation Stone-laying in 1971, an elderly lady walked to the front of the church and gripping the pastors hand said, “When J.K. died we all felt we had lost a father”.

Thank you God for all those who have inspired, led and cared for others in the church. 

Thank you God that the church is like a body, where each person is necessary, with their own part to play.


New life from an old root stock


Coming Together