A huge part of my childhood

Kirstie’s Story

One thing that always makes me laugh is even to this day I still want Rich tea biscuits with icing sugar on and silver balls. If I ever say I'm 'making' biscuits and do those people are always critical that I've not 'made' biscuits!

There's so much in terms of memories, it was my childhood. I genuinely miss the eggy bread we had whilst away at Nefyn. Some of my favourite weekend where the ones when we went to that house I think in Wales and all the girls got to share rooms and no doubt there would be an argue me that because someone's best friend was getting closer to someone else's.
I remember all the activities, the white water rafting and kayaking, and in particular me being so dramatic after jumping in the waterfall you had to give me hot Ribena and frankly pull myself together!

The summer clubs, the youth clubs, the weekends, the 'holidays'. They will remain such a huge part of my childhood, one of the biggest.
I think I'll always have Our God is a Great Big God stuck in my head for the rest of time.


Beginning of Tab Tots


Lino lessons at Kids Club!